1 Mendota Rd W
Suite 170
West St Paul, MN 55118-4764
CareerForce On the Go
- Hastings, MNAre you in Eastern Dakota County and looking for work? Are you aware of the free resources that are available for you at CareerForce locations? Dakota County CareerForce has just made it more convenient for you. Stop by the lobby of Judicial Center in Hastings and speak with a Workforce Specialist to discuss how Dakota CareerForce can help you. Free resources and information on classes and workshops that are available to help you with your employment related needs.
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Age As An Advantage
Resume Writing Workshop - In-Person
803 Roosevelt Ave
Suite 101
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-3744
Job Search Appointment - In-Person, Phone, or Online
204 Laurel St
Suite 21
Brainerd, MN 56401-3552
Creative Job Search: The Job Interview
Online, MN 55101
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1560 Hwy 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Career Exploration - In-Person
1201 89th Ave NE
Blaine, MN 55434-3372
Senior Community Service Employment Program Information Session
1201 89th Ave NE
Blaine, MN 55434-3372
Dislocated Worker Online Information Session
This workshop will be held online, not at a physical location.
Online - Burnsville, MN 55337