The CCNA validates your skills and knowledge in network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability.
Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Network Specialist and more
11 Weeks | 2.5 days per week
Monday and Wednesdays | 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM OR Tuesday and Thursdays 8:00 AM to 4:00PM and Friday 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (depends on start date)
18 hours of live classroom training and an average of 12 hours outside course work a week
Attend an information session to learn more about IT Career Lab training offerings and to get detailed instructions for how to apply.
To begin your application visit our IT Career Lab MN landing page - https://www.itcareerlab.org/minnesota/
For more information and assistance, contact Jared Fessler - jfessler@nationalable.org - 612-760-3425
Job Placement - In addition to IT certification, the other main goal of our programs is entry-level IT job placement. Our IT recruitment staff provides customized job search training and support to help you obtain a role in the IT sector.
There is no financial cost for individuals eligible for State-funded grant programs.
Current grants can pay full tuition for women and/or people of color. Eligibility subject to approval by State and other third-party funders. To apply for grant funds, please contact Jared Fessler (contact info above) to begin the process.
CCNA Program includes live, Zoom-based instruction, comprehensive access to all course materials and learning management systems, practice exams, testing vouchers and full service via Pearson VUE Center, and Dell laptop computer.
Who to Contact for More Information
Cisco Certified Networking Associate (VIRTUAL)
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