Counties: Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, St. Louis
- Northeast Minnesota is home to 9,278 business establishments providing 138,300 jobs through 2023. Average annual wages were $56,174 in the region.
- The industries that employ the most people in the Northeast Region are Health Care & Social Assistance (32,638 jobs), Retail Trade (17,034) and Accommodation and Food Services (14,221).
- Jobs in the Northeast planning area are projected to grow 5.5% from 2020 to 2030, a gain of 8,115 new jobs. In addition, the region is also expected to need 67,150 replacement openings to fill jobs left vacant by retirements and other career changers.
- The fastest growing occupations in the Northeast Region will be in the following fields: food prep & serving, healthcare support, personal care & service, computer & mathematical, and building & grounds cleaning & maintenance occupations.
Check out our other regions: Metro Region, Northeast Region, Northwest Region, Southeast Region, Southwest Region, Central, Statewide