Search results 1-10 of 434

March is Explore Construction Employment Month with image of hands close up on construction project and CareerForce logo

Explore Construction Employment Month

March is Explore Construction Employment Month in CareerForce. Throughout the month, CareerForce shares resources related to employment in…
image of woman on phone with copy Need to find work now? CareerForce can help you

Are you a federal employee facing a sudden layoff? Contact CareerForce for help today.

The sudden loss of a job can be overwhelming for anyone. Now, many federal employees here in Minnesota and across the country are facing layoffs or…
Graphic with words Job Seeker Experience Survey and CareerForce Staff and Partners are the Minnesota Job Search Experts and CareerForce logo and

Minnesota’s job search experts, CareerForce Staff and Partners, offer their perspectives on the current job seeker experience

CareerForce Staff and Partners work with thousands of job seekers across Minnesota every week and can offer a great sense of the current job search…
smiling person wearing baseball cap and reflective jacket

Drive for 5 funded training puts Shylynn on the road to her career dreams

Shylynn came to CareerForce in Duluth in May 2024 looking for employment that paid well and allowed opportunities for career growth. Alex Arend from…
smiling person wearing glasses and a hat standing next to a fire vehicle

Anas credits Anoka County Empowers program for helping him discover career path as firefighter

Anas was a senior at Spring Lake Park High School when he learned about the Anoka County Empowers program for young people. He was enrolled in his…
person wearing a reflective vest and hardhat measuring a section of oncrete

Manuel builds solid career for his family's future

Manuel is in recovery from addiction and his life is on a good path, but before he enrolled in MnDOT-DEED Pre-Apprentice Highway Construction…
February is Career and Technical Education Month with CareerForce  Career and Technical Education courses integrate core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge and skills to provide students a pathway to postsecondary education and careers. logo and

February is Career and Technical Education Month

During February, CareerForce draws attention to the many opportunities available to high school students to prepare for employment through a…
photo of smiling person

Jeannean gives a huge shoutout to Gina at CareerForce in Bloomington

Jeannean credits Gina Meixner from CareerForce in Bloomington with helping her land a new job she is starting today. Here’s what Jeannean shared with…
woman holding folder shaking a person's hand with CareerForce branding

5 tips to jump start your job search with CareerForce

CareerForce can help you jump start your job search. Here are five tips to get you started: Develop a plan before you start applying for jobs. What…
photo of smiling person in maroon shirt

Laurie jump starts her job search with help from CareerForce staff member Gina

Laurie shared her CareerForce success story recently. She worked with Gina Meixner, who is based at CareerForce in Bloomington, to jump start her job…