Some basic skills are required to find or keep a job.Adult Basic Education (ABE) services are available throughout Minnesota and can help you:Work toward a high school diploma, adult diploma, or high school equivalency diploma (based on the General Edu
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CareerForce serves people participating in the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). MFIP helps families with children meet their basic needs, while helping caregivers move to financial stability through work.
A criminal record can be a barrier to employment, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t real opportunities out there for you.
Get on a rewarding path to career success
We want you to be successful finding a meaningful career and securing long-term family-sustaining wages.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, including:
Get on a rewarding path to career success with our Partners
We want you to be successful finding a meaningful career and securing long-term family-sustaining wages.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, including:
Help before, during and after layoffs
If your organization is considering layoffs, contact us as soon as possible. We want to learn about the situation and how we may be able to help, explore whether layoffs can be avoided and explain the services we can provide to affected employees.
Help hiring foreign workers
Organizations that wish to hire foreign workers because US workers cannot be found to fill necessary positions may apply for a labor certification from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).
CareerForce services include guidance for hiring:
Hiring tax incentives
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) allows for-profit employers of any size to reduce their federal tax liability by up to $9,600 per new hire by hiring people who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.
Increase your talent connection support
Your talent search will be more successful with an expansive support system. It’ll go further with the help of experienced professionals committed to your recruitment and retention goals.
Jump-start your first career with our Partners
We all start somewhere. And we all have a better chance of success with the right support. If you’re between the ages of 14 and 24 and want to gain work experience—or need help finishing your education—CareerForce is your first stop.
If you travel to or within Minnesota to help cultivate or harvest crops or work in food processing or other seasonal agricultural-related employment, there are services available to you.
Pre-Apprentice Highway Construction Training
You may have a unique opportunity for a good-paying career in the highway construction industry.
Remaining connected to workers who are recovering from illness or injury
MN RETAIN is a program to shorten needless time away from work for employees who have a medical condition that limits their ability to do their jobs.
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) helps low-income, unemployed adults 55 and older.
State Services for the Blind (SSB)
If you have a significant vision loss that makes it hard for you to get and keep a job, State Services for the Blind (SSB) is here for you.We offer tools and training to help you reach your job goals. Our SSB counselors know about vision loss and unde