Employment services for people receiving public assistance 


CareerForce serves people participating in the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). MFIP helps families with children meet their basic needs, while helping caregivers move to financial stability through work. MFIP is a ‘work-first’ program; participants can be supported through more than one manner of assistance, which may include housing, food or other assistance.

Eligibility Requirements

The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) is for families with children and pregnant women. Most caregivers with minor children are only eligible for a total of 60 months. To qualify, applicants must:  

  • Meet an initial income test 
  • Meet an initial asset limit of $10,000 (excluding one vehicle per member of unit who is age 16 or older) 
  • Provide needed verifications

How To Use

To apply for MFIP, complete this application: mnbenefits.mn.gov 

For additional assistance and information, visit this page on the Department of Children, Youth and Families website, which will open in a new tab of your browser.

If you would like assistance preparing for and finding employment, contact staff at a CareerForce location near you.