Leading CareerForce partner Career Solutions invites people looking for work to come to fun, no pressure events to find out about all the free resources available to help them prepare for and find good employment.
Career Solutions holds quarterly open houses in St. Cloud so people can come in, find out about services available to them, have their resume reviewed, learn about interview preparation tips, get a LinkedIn profile photo taken and more – with no appointment and no stress.
So far, nearly 150 job seekers have come to three such open houses, which Career Solutions staff work to make fun, upbeat and inviting.
Tammy Biery, Career Solutions Executive Director said “This has been an exciting way to get creative and inform more people of the services we provide and ultimately connect with more job seekers. It has been fun creating a theme for each open house, the next theme will be Fall into a New Career, where we will have some job search activities and refreshments tied to the new season. Staff have shared that the open houses have brought in new customers and they are seeing these new customers come back after the event for additional services. We are seeing an increase in Career Lab usage and attribute some of the increase to the open house events.”
If you live in the St. Cloud area, consider coming to the next Career Solutions open house this fall at CareerForce in St. Cloud, which is located on the campus of St. Cloud Technical & Community College. Follow Career Solutions Facebook for more information on these events.
You can also find out about events at a CareerForce location near you at CareerForceMN.com/events – you can filter by location and event type.