Young woman crossing street

Networking online

Networking is still the way most people find employment. For many people, social networks play a larger role than in-person networking opportunities. What you share on social media can impact how robust your potential job referral network can be. Since social media sites are playing an increasing role in job hunting, job seekers need to keep up with the latest technologies. Staff at your local CareerForce location can help you with strategies for improving your LinkedIn profile and additional tips for enhancing your social media presence, as well as ways to use social media for networking.  

Career seeker looking online

Social media sites continue to evolve. Some that are popular today may be replaced by new technologies in the future.  

  • LinkedIn is currently considered the most popular networking tool for professional and business purposes. Recruiters say this is a top choice to find workers because the candidate pool includes “passive” job seekers as well as job applicants. In addition, LinkedIn has an ever increasing set of tools to help you in your job search, including profile optimization, interview preparation and advanced tools for connecting to people within organizations you are interested in.  
  • Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter) are other social platforms you may wish to utilize. These platforms started out as a way for people to communicate with friends and follow people or companies but they can also be effective tools to help you find work. 
smiling person looking at mobile phone

Present a positive online impression

If you have a social media presence, you need to make sure you are presenting a positive and professional image of yourself. Some general guidelines to follow include: 

  • Post meaningful tidbits from your life or job search. Focus on posts that move you forward in your goal of finding a job.  
  • Include links to photographs, articles, videos and other content related to your career or personal interests. 
  • When you meet people, ask to connect with them on social media 
  • Keep your image on social networking sites professional, avoid posting or sharing controversial content 
  • Remember: employers can look you up online and what they find could impact their hiring decision. 
  • Make sure that what you present about your work history online matches what you include in applications and resumes.