Post a job

Find more ways to attract more people by posting jobs online. is a no-fee resource designed to connect potential employees with promising opportunities. Employers can post job positions and search for new candidates at the same time. Individuals can upload resumes while searching for new positions. After all, it’s about finding the right talent match.

When you post a job online, you can:

  • Search the state’s largest online resume database
  • Find candidates with diverse experience
  • Use an option to “find more resumes like this”
  • Opt to have interested career seekers apply on the site or apply directly on your website
  • Save resumes for future postings

Once you’re a registered employer, you’re ready to start posting job openings. Your post will be matched with prospective resumes. From there, top applicants will be identified using a unique five-star rating scale. You can opt to be notified by email when new candidates match your posting or you can log in and conduct the search at your convenience.

You can do much more online as well. Showcase what’s unique about your organization to prospective candidates. Share the skills you’re looking for and the hiring process you have in place. Then get ready to connect with potential new additions to your organization.

See the brochure for employers.