We want you to be successful finding a meaningful career and securing long-term family-sustaining wages.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, including:
Merrick Community Services supports individuals and families to navigate life transitions, find health and stability, and promote independence.
Since our founding in 1908, we have served the East Side community in partnership with other agencies, businesses, and community residents.
Today, Merrick continues to serve over 15,000 low-income and immigrant individuals and families in various locations via its Employment Services, Nutrition Services (Food Shelves), Youth Services, Family Services, and Senior Independence Programs.
Merrick Community Services has been working in partnership with Saint Paul’s East Metro since 1908. We look forward to continuing to serve the community and working together to improve the lives of the residents by supporting individuals and families to navigate life transitions, find health and stability, and promote independence.
We want you to be successful finding a meaningful career and securing long-term family-sustaining wages.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, including:
Esta plataforma es traída a usted por el Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) (Departamento de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico de Minnesota). Desarrollado y mantenido por CiviServ; el contenido de CareerForceMN.com se encuentra bajo la licencia CC BY 4.0. Un socio orgulloso de la red American Job Center (Centro de empleos estadounidenses).