We want you to be successful finding a meaningful career and securing long-term family-sustaining wages.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, including:
For more than 100 years, YWCA St. Paul has been breaking down barriers and building up communities.
You might know us best for our Health & Fitness Center, but we also work to help:
Addressing community needs in four core areas: Housing & Supportive Services, Youth Development, Health & Wellness and Employment & Economic Development, last year our programs and services helped more than 5,200 people to reach their goals and improve their quality of life.
YWCA St. Paul is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
Collaborating with a broad east metro network, YWCA St. Paul anchors the Summit-University community and reaches out to neighbors in greater St. Paul and Ramsey County.
We want you to be successful finding a meaningful career and securing long-term family-sustaining wages.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs, including:
Esta plataforma es traída a usted por el Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) (Departamento de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico de Minnesota). Desarrollado y mantenido por CiviServ; el contenido de CareerForceMN.com se encuentra bajo la licencia CC BY 4.0. Un socio orgulloso de la red American Job Center (Centro de empleos estadounidenses).