CareerForce partners with school districts, DEED Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) and families to help young adults with special needs transition to life after high school.
Here’s one example of how CareerForce helps young adults make the transition to post-secondary education, independent living and employment.
The Burnsville CareerForce location hosted a small group of young adult students from Transition Plus in Apple Valley on February 8, accompanied by Faith Binman, a teacher and work coordinator with the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District.
DEED CareerForce Workforce Development Representative Angela Myss facilitated the tour, explaining various CareerForce career exploration and job search services to the students. The students were also able to use the CareerForce Career Lab computers to experience using MinnesotaWorks.net and CareerForceMN.com and get their career exploration and job search questions answered by CareerForce staff. Jodi Yanda, VRS Manager in Apple Valley, was present for the tour and there to answer any questions the students may have had about VRS services, which are coordinated with Transition Plus services.