woman shaking hands with employer

What we do

In today’s tight labor market, employers need support in recruiting and retaining employees, assistance in fostering sustainable worker pipelines, and help connecting with laid off workers who have needed skills and are looking for new employment.

Members of the Employer Engagement team are based around the state in areas with employers in the five industry sectors of caring professions, education, manufacturing, technology and the trades. This team is focused on those five occupational groups because they are in high demand, are projected to be high-growth, and provide family-sustaining wages.

How we help

  • Consult with employers about steps they can take to attract and retain employees.
  • Facilitate job matching to connect training program participants with employers looking to hire. 
  • Connect employers with staff who can help them avert layoffs, access incentives for hiring people who have barriers to employment, understand their local labor market, and more. 

Connect with your Employer Engagement Specialist

The Employer Engagement Specialist team collaborates with employers, local workforce boards, Drive for 5 grantees, and other regional stakeholders, to connect job seekers with employers who offer high quality jobs in Minnesota’s most in-demand industries.

Talk with us about your current hiring, talent development, and retention needs. 
Email us at Employer.Engagement.DEED@state.mn.us.