This course is offered in partnership with Lake Superior College to fulfill the seat hours needed to earn 3 college credits and learn the knowledge and hands on skills to pass the Nursing Assistant Tests required for a person to be listed on the Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry. Coursework includes medical terminology, medical processes and procedures and hands on skills. The course is offered in a hybrid format with both in-person and online classes required.
This class will serve adults at least 18 years old who are not enrolled in any K-12 school, who identify as part of one or more of the following target populations:
• Individuals of color
• Individuals lacking stable housing
• Individuals with a criminal record
• Individuals without a high school diploma or equivalent
• Individuals living with disabilities
• Individuals who have been unemployed for 26 or more of the past 52 weeks
• Individuals at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guideline
A reading and math assessment will be required for any participants who don’t already have an associate or bachelor’s degree. Guidelines are that individuals will have a reading level of 7th grade or higher, but individuals testing below the 7th grade level can be considered based on ability to work with an instructor for additional assistance.
Contact Ali Haworth at Duluth Workforce Development at 218-730-5235 or, or Emma Collier at SOAR Career Solutions/True North Goodwill at 218-722-3126 or, or you can apply online at
Certified Nursing Assistant Registry upon passing tests, and all graduates receive 3 college credits.
The training is FREE for those who meet eligibility requirements. This class will serve adults at least 18 years old who are not enrolled in any K-12 school, who identify as part of one or more of the following target populations:
• Individuals of color
• Individuals lacking stable housing
• Individuals with a criminal record
• Individuals without a high school diploma or equivalent
• Individuals living with disabilities
• Individuals who have been unemployed for 26 or more of the past 52 weeks
• Individuals at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guideline