man picking apples in orchard

Resources for agricultural employers

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development offers help for employers seeking to hire farm workers through its services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Agricultural Outreach Representatives provide services to employers across the state.

Contact an Agricultural Outreach Representative (AOR) or a CareerForce location near you to receive information about:

  • Posting a skills-based job order on the state’s no-fee online job bank. AORs are here to help employers navigate the job bank and answer questions about creating job orders before you upload them. 
  • Federal and state farm labor compliance regulations
  • Mediation and interpreter services
  • Liaison between migrant service providers and employers
Combine operator harvesting corn on a sunny day

Find Your Agricultural Outreach Representative

Agricultural Outreach Representatives have knowledge of the available agricultural workforce in each area because of their outreach to migrant and seasonal farmworkers. They screen workers for job skills and experience, and determine whether farmworkers are interested in permanent or temporary employment.

Contact the representative near you for assistance:

Or contact a CareerForce location near you to find out more about the Agricultural Recruitment System (ARS) and hiring farmworkers. CareerForce staff will be able to assist you.

Farmer in tractor cab

State Monitor Advocate

The state monitor advocate tracks equity indicators and minimum service level indicators, conducts site visits, on-site reviews, and field checks on working and living areas of migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFWs). The advocate also reviews quarterly data reports, outreach logs, annual summaries, and Agricultural Outreach Plans.

Contact: Lidibette Guzman, State Monitor Advocate at or 651-259-7592